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发布时间:2010年09月03日 10:05 | 来源: 少儿台
一、教学课题:Unit4 Having Fun
Topic3 What are your favorite animals? Section A
1. 学习时间的表达方式。
2. 学习谈论每天的活动。
3. 复习学过的动物单词,并学习新的动物单词。.
1. 培养学生良好的合作意识,鼓励学生大胆表达自己的想法和意愿。
2. 走进动物,了解生活,珍惜时间。
SectionA 是Topic3 的第一课,主要围绕学生喜欢的事物和动物,学生日常活动,学习时间表达法来进行课堂教学和语言实践。
农村中学七年级学生大部分在小学未接触过英语,应用能力十分薄弱,在课堂表现欲望不强,常流露出不自信的神色。为了激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,在教学Section A时,充分利用多媒体,图片、实物、简笔画等,使英语学习与学生的实际生活更贴近,让他们从中获得成功感,激发学习英语的热情,树立信心。
Step 1.Organization:Greetings
1. Play a game ,review the numbers1—59
2. Use some pictures and photos to ask and answer between the teacher and the students, and review the words and sentences about animals ,then lead to the new words:zoo,panda , monkey,lion, tiger,elephant.
3. Quick reaction .Let the students look at the picture in 1b,say the names of the animals quickly,and spell the words,finish 1b.
Step3. Lead in
1. Show the teaching pictures of 1a:Today our friends Michael and Kangkang want to go to the zoo.Let’s see what they are talking about.
2. Listen to 1a and answer the questions
1) Can they see pandas in the zoo? 2)What animals can they see?
3)What time do they meet ? 4)Where do they meet?
3. Check the answers
1. Ask the students to read 1a after the recorder and imitate the pronunciation and intonations.
2. Ask some students to act 1a out in pairs ,finish 1c.
Step 4 Presentation
1.Show a clock .Lead to the expression_rs of the time .
For example: ——What time is it now?What’s the time,please?
——It’s one o’clock./ It’s a quarterpast one.(It’s one fifteen.)
It’s half past one .(It’s one thirty.) /It’s twenty to two.(It’s one forty.)
2.Explain the usage of “past” and “to”. And learn the new words: past ,quarter,half.Lead to 2a.
Step 5.Pairwork
1. Ask the students to pratice 2a in pairs.
2. Let the students pratice the expression_rs of time in pairs according to the example in 2b and the content of the poster in the right chart. Finish 2b.
Step 6 Class activities.
Have a game to guess animals between boys and girls.Ask the boy’s team to perform actions or make sounds,and the girl’s team guess what the animals are in English,then exchange the roles. The team who guesses more quickly and correctly will win the game.Finish 3.
Step 7.Homework
Talk about one’s own daily routines in groups.
Step8 The design of the blackboard
Topic3 What’s your favorite animals?
New words Sentence patterns
Zoo Excuse me,what time is it,please?/ what’s the time ,please?
Panda It’s one o’clock.
Monkey It’s a quarterpast one.(It’s one fifteen.)
Lion It’s half past one .(It’s one thirty.)
Tiger It’s twenty to two.(It’s one forty.)
评价Section A的教学效果,可以通过以下几点:
2.我校地处农村,学生基础薄弱,在英语学习方面没有一个好的语言氛围。刚开始时,课堂上时常会出现乱的局面,但通过一段时间的摸索和学习,总算掌握了这一教法的要领。一节课要取得成功,我有如下几点认识。首先,课前准备一定要充分,在教学设计中,要认真研究《课标》,分析教材,通过传授与学生生活密切联系的英语知识,训练英语的听说能力,培养学生学习英语的兴趣和初步能力,最终使学生从“学会英语”,向“会用英语”转变。同时要尽可能多地考虑师生的 共同参与性与互动性,操练过程中的趣味性和交际性,充分体现学生学习的自主性和参与性。其次,充分利用有限的教学资源,如多媒体、图画、简笔画等拓宽学生学习渠道,改进学生学习方式,提高教学效果。再次,学生的学习热情和自信心是外语教学中最可贵的因素。农村学生大多性格内向,有相当一部分学生表现为胆小,在学习不愿意开口。针对这种情况,要尽量去了解每一个学生,摸准他们的心理脾气,在教学中尊重他们,关心体贴他们,及时鼓励他们。课堂上应尽力避免当场纠正学生语言错误地行为。否则,学生容易产生外语学习焦虑,这种情感将会大大地挫伤他们学习外语的积热情,
——It’s one o’clock./ It’s a quarterpast one.(It’s one fifteen.)
It’s half past one .(It’s one thirty.) /It’s twenty to two.(It’s one forty.)
2.Explain the usage of “past” and “to”. And learn the new words: past ,quarter,half.Lead to 2a.
Step 5.Pairwork
1. Ask the students to pratice 2a in pairs.
2. Let the students pratice the expression_rs of time in pairs according to the example in 2b and the content of the poster in the right chart. Finish 2b.
Step 6 Class activities.
Have a game to guess animals between boys and girls.Ask the boy’s team to perform actions or make sounds,and the girl’s team guess what the animals are in English,then exchange the roles. The team who guesses more quickly and correctly will win the game.Finish 3.
Step 7.Homework
Talk about one’s own daily routines in groups.
Step8 The design of the blackboard
Topic3 What’s your favorite animals?
New words Sentence patterns
Zoo Excuse me,what time is it,please?/ what’s the time ,please?
Panda It’s one o’clock.
Monkey It’s a quarterpast one.(It’s one fifteen.)
Lion It’s half past one .(It’s one thirty.)
Tiger It’s twenty to two.(It’s one forty.)
评价Section A的教学效果,可以通过以下几点:
2.我校地处农村,学生基础薄弱,在英语学习方面没有一个好的语言氛围。刚开始时,课堂上时常会出现乱的局面,但通过一段时间的摸索和学习,总算掌握了这一教法的要领。一节课要取得成功,我有如下几点认识。首先,课前准备一定要充分,在教学设计中,要认真研究《课标》,分析教材,通过传授与学生生活密切联系的英语知识,训练英语的听说能力,培养学生学习英语的兴趣和初步能力,最终使学生从“学会英语”,向“会用英语”转变。同时要尽可能多地考虑师生的 共同参与性与互动性,操练过程中的趣味性和交际性,充分体现学生学习的自主性和参与性。其次,充分利用有限的教学资源,如多媒体、图画、简笔画等拓宽学生学习渠道,改进学生学习方式,提高教学效果。再次,学生的学习热情和自信心是外语教学中最可贵的因素。农村学生大多性格内向,有相当一部分学生表现为胆小,在学习不愿意开口。针对这种情况,要尽量去了解每一个学生,摸准他们的心理脾气,在教学中尊重他们,关心体贴他们,及时鼓励他们。课堂上应尽力避免当场纠正学生语言错误地行为。否则,学生容易产生外语学习焦虑,这种情感将会大大地挫伤他们学习外语的积热情,
——It’s one o’clock./ It’s a quarterpast one.(It’s one fifteen.)
It’s half past one .(It’s one thirty.) /It’s twenty to two.(It’s one forty.)
2.Explain the usage of “past” and “to”. And learn the new words: past ,quarter,half.Lead to 2a.
Step 5.Pairwork
1. Ask the students to pratice 2a in pairs.
2. Let the students pratice the expression_rs of time in pairs according to the example in 2b and the content of the poster in the right chart. Finish 2b.
Step 6 Class activities.
Have a game to guess animals between boys and girls.Ask the boy’s team to perform actions or make sounds,and the girl’s team guess what the animals are in English,then exchange the roles. The team who guesses more quickly and correctly will win the game
Step 7.Homework
Talk about one’s own daily routines in groups.
Step8 The design of the blackboard
Topic3 What’s your favorite animals?
New words Sentence patterns
Zoo Excuse me,what time is it,please?/ what’s the time ,please?
Panda It’s one o’clock.
Monkey It’s a quarterpast one.(It’s one fifteen.)
Lion It’s half past one .(It’s one thirty.)
Tiger It’s twenty to two.(It’s one forty.)
评价Section A的教学效果,可以通过以下几点:
2.我校地处农村,学生基础薄弱,在英语学习方面没有一个好的语言氛围。刚开始时,课堂上时常会出现乱的局面,但通过一段时间的摸索和学习,总算掌握了这一教法的要领。一节课要取得成功,我有如下几点认识。首先,课前准备一定要充分,在教学设计中,要认真研究《课标》,分析教材,通过传授与学生生活密切联系的英语知识,训练英语的听说能力,培养学生学习英语的兴趣和初步能力,最终使学生从“学会英语”,向“会用英语”转变。同时要尽可能多地考虑师生的 共同参与性与互动性,操练过程中的趣味性和交际性,充分体现学生学习的自主性和参与性。其次,充分利用有限的教学资源,如多媒体、图画、简笔画等拓宽学生学习渠道,改进学生学习方式,提高教学效果。再次,学生的学习热情和自信心是外语教学中最可贵的因素。农村学生大多性格内向,有相当一部分学生表现为胆小,在学习不愿意开口。针对这种情况,要尽量去了解每一个学生,摸准他们的心理脾气,在教学中尊重他们,关心体贴他们,及时鼓励他们。课堂上应尽力避免当场纠正学生语言错误地行为。否则,学生容易产生外语学习焦虑,这种情感将会大大地挫伤他们学习外语的积热情,也不利于他们在外语学习中自信心的成长.