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Unit 21 How was your weekend?(第四课时)

发布时间:2010年09月03日 10:05 | 来源: 少儿台

   Period 4. Self-check (Revision)
教材分析:这是第五单元的第三部分: Self-check,即本单元的复习部分。这一部分的课本是由以下几部分组成的。
1. Key word check. Check the words you know.
2. Add five new words to your Vocab-builder.
3. Read the story about Old Henry. Imagine you work for the Heartwarming Project. Write a report about how you helped Old Henry last weekend.
4. Just for fun!
Language topic: talk about the recent past events
Main vocabulary: everyone, sit, sat, no, anything
II. 语言结构: 一般过去式的陈述句
语言功能: 如何表述自己在过去的某一时间干的事情。
跨学科学习: 热心帮助别人,尤其是老人。
III. Teaching steps:
Step 1:Greetings and song: Fishes, fishes, where are you?
Step 2: check key words. Ask the students to check all the words they know. You may wish to have students circle any words that they don’t know.
Step 3: Write five new words in your vocab-Builders.
This activity helps build vocabulary by providing a specific time and place for students to record new words. Ask students to enter five new words in their Vocab-builder on page 108. After students have recorded their new words, ask them to share their lists with other students. This can be done with the whole class or informally, in pairs or small groups.
Step 4: Read the story about Old Henry. Imagine you work for the Heartwarming Project. Write a report about how you helped Old Henry last weekend.
Have a student read it out loud. Check that students understand the situation. Ask them, does Old Henry enjoy his weekends? Why not? What happened to him? Do you think he needs friends?
Explain what the “Heartwarming Project “is. Tell them that  they have to imagine that they went and helped Old Henry last weekend.
Step 5: Just for fun.
Ask students to read the cartoon to themselves. Ask the students what is funny about this cartoon?
Step 6. Do some exercises.
1 Yesterday I _____ _____ ______(看望了王叔叔)。
2 Do you want to _____ ____ ____(呆在家里)?
3 What did she do _____ ____ ____(周末期间)?
4 The book is _____ ____ ____(有点难)。
5 I like reading books_____ ____ (关于历史)。
6 Do you like _____ ____ (访谈节目)?
7 We went to the beach _____ ____ ____ _____(没有做任何事)。
8 He sat there and _____ ____ ____
9 Do you _____ ____ ____in the morning?(起床早)
10 I didn’t _____ ____ ____that book.(想起)
   Zhao Ming is a student. He ______( study) at No. 1 Middle School.
  Every day he _____(get) up at six. Then he _____(do) sports. He _____(have ) breakfast at six thirty. After that he ______(go ) to school.
   But this morning he _____(not get ) up at six. He got up at seven. He _____( have) breakfast quickly. He ____( go) to school late. His teacher _____(be )unhappy. He _____(say ) “sorry” to his teacher.
Step 7. Let’s look at what we have learned in this unit. And we should learn the phrases by heart. We can say what we did in the past time.
Step 8. homework.


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