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发布时间:2010年09月02日 10:35 | 来源: 少儿台

   Unit 10 It's a nice day , isn't it ?
    Analysis of Unit 10
    Teaching goals :
    1. 描述与陌生人聊天就注意的事项,学习该聊些什么,如何将话题展开。
    2. 通过学习与陌生人聊天来达到了解关心别人并增进友谊。
    Important and difficult points :
    Tag questions (附加问句)
    Structure :
    It's a nice day , isn't it ?   Yes ,it is . I really love hot weather .
    You're Jenny's friend ,aren't you .       Yes , I am .
    The No.15 bus stops here , doesn't it ?    Yes , it does .
    Functions : Make small talk
    Period  1
    Teaching of new lesson
    Step 1  Assign the task
    In this unit Ss learn to make small talk .On the Bb ,draw a picture of a boy and a girl waiting for bus .Include a large sign that says Bus Stop .Draw a speed bubble over each person's head .
    Step 2  Warm up
    SB Page 76 , 1a .
    1. Point out the four scenes .Help Ss understand that in all the pictures two people who don't know each other (strangers) are starting a conversation .
    2. Ask Ss to circle the pictures where they would talk with people they don't know .Then have Ss write their own lists .
    SB Page 76 , 1b .
    1. Point out the four pictures .Then read the instructions .
    2. Say , You will hear three conversations .They go with three of the pictures .
    3. Play the recording .Have Ss write the number of each conversation in the box next to the correct picture .
    4. Check the answers .
    SB Page 76 , 1c .
    1. Ask Ss to look at the pictures in activity 1a .Then point out the sample conversation in activity 1c .Ask two students to read it to the class .
    2. Say,Now work with your partner .Make your own conversations about the people in activity 1a .Use the expression in the box .
    3. Ask several pairs to say one or more their conversations to the class .
    Step 3  Pre-task
    SB Page 77 , 2a .
    1. Read the instructions and point out the sample answer .
    2. Play the recording .
    3. Check the answers.
    SB Page 77 , 2b .
    1. Read the instructions and point to the lettered list of sentences .
    2. Ask different students to read the lines of the conversation to the class .
    3. Play the recording .Ask Ss write the letter of each line of conversation in the correct place .
    4. Check the answers .
    SB Page 77 , 2c .
    1. Read the instructions for the activity .
    2. Point to the conversations in activity 2b .Ask a pair of students to read the conversations to the class .Then ask all students to practice the conversation in pairs .
    3. Point out the questions in the box .
    4. Then have Ss work in pairs .
    5. Ask several pairs to come to the front of the room and say their conversations to the class .
    Step 4  Grammar Focus
    1. Review the grammar box .Ask students to read the questions and answers .
    2. Ask Ss to give other examples of small talk that use tag questions .Help Ss find the correct Yes or No short answer to go with each question .
    Exercise designing for Period 1 汉译英
    1. 天看起来要下雨了,是吗?是的,但是 我忘带雨伞。
    2. 今天真的很热,是吧?是的,我希望下一场雨。
    3. 你认为到中午雨会停吗?我想会吧。
    4. 火车总是晚点,是吧?我想有时是的。


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