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发布时间:2010年09月02日 10:31 | 来源: 少儿台
Period 2
Teaching of new lesson
Step 1 Pre-task
SB Page 62 , 3a .
1. Point out the chart in activity 3a .Review the meaning of any words Ss don't understand .
2. Ask Ss to work in pairs .
3. Point out the example in the sample dialogue .Then complete the first question and answer exchange with a student .
4. Ask the pairs to continue on their own .Move around the room checking the progress of the pairs .
5. Correct the answers .
SB Page 62 , 3b .
1. Read the instruction .Say ,This activity is just like activity 3qa .But this time you are going to talk about real gifts that you have received .
2. Ask a pair of students to read the example in speech bubbles to the class .Ask several other students to do this .
3. Then ask Ss to work in pairs .As they talk , move around the room checking progress and offering language support as needed .
Step 2 While-task
SB Page 62 , Part 2 .
1. Read the instructions .Ss can practice several times .
2. Ask two students to read the dialogue .
3. Ask Ss to complete the work in pairs .
4. Ask a few students to share the sample conversation .
Exercise designing for Period 2: 完成对话
A: What's the best Vera has ever ?
B: A bracelet .
A: When Vera it ?
B: his tenth birthday .
A: Who it to him ?
B: His grandma .
A: a lucky guy !