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发布时间:2010年08月26日 10:46 | 来源: 少儿台

( The Present Indefinite Tense , Book 3 Units 11---12 )

  一般现在时表示现在存在的习惯,________发生的动作或存在的_________,常与every day, always,

__________, __________, __________等时间状语连用。还可以表示主语的特征,性格,能力等。在_____


  行为动词一般现在时主要由动词原形构成,当主语是第三人称单数时,要在动词原形后加____或______构成.其规则和读音与_______变复数相同.(动词have的第三人称单数形式是________)。其否定句和一般疑问句要加助动词_____或_______构成。对于动词be, 则当主语是第一人称时用______,第三人称单数时用______,其余的则用_______.  例如:

                (1) I am in Grade Three. Are you in Grade Three , too ?  

(2) We know Lily very well .    He has a motorbike .

                (3) Li Lei doesn’t like playing volleyball .

                (4) Do they study at that school ?    No, they don’t .

(5) I will stay at home if it rains tomorrow .



 1. stop __________ 2. tie __________ 3. say ____________ 4. worry ___________ 5. fly ___________

 6. teach___________ 7. finish ____________ 8. guess ____________ 9. buy _______ 10. go _________


 1.Everyone __________(like) swimming except her .

 2.My parents __________(listen) to the radio every morning .

 3.--_____ the twins ________(want) to go  for a picnic ?  --Yes, they _______.

 4.--_______ your grandmother always _____________(forget) things ?  -- No, she _________ .

 5.The sun _________(rise) in the east ,_________ it ?

 6.There _______(be) a ruler and two pens in his pencil-box .

 7.________(Be) there a million people in this city ?

 8.The old man _____________________(not , enjoy )the popular songs .

 9.Jim and Kate _____________________(not ,look ) the same .

 10.The students _____________________________ ( pick ) apples for the farmers next Sunday .

 11.There __________________ (be ) a wonderful football match this evening . But I ____________

   __________ (not ,watch ) it if I ________ ( be ) busy .

 12.When ________ you __________ (begin ) your first lesson in the morning ?

 13.The little boy didn’t know that the moon _________ (move ) round the earth .

 14.When she _________ (leave ) school , she will go back to her hometown .

 15.-- ________ Meimei _________ (have ) an elder sister ?   -- No , she ___________ .

16.You ________________(not , see ) him until he ___________(come ) back from England next February .


1.Rise grows fast in the south .  (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答 )

2.They do lots of homework every day .  (同上,但作否定回答 )

3.I have breakfast at home on Saturday .   (改为否定句 )

4. The baby often cries .  (同上 )

5. Mary usually reads English in the morning .  (对划线部分提问 )

6. I go and see my grandparents once a month .   ( 同上 )

7. The police will be here in a minute . ( 同上 )

8. Mr. Green will have enough money next year . He will go to Japan . (合并为带条件从句的复合句)




1.How many floors _________ the building ________ ?

   A. are , there     B. do , have       C. is , there         D. does , have

2.--______ your sister work ?     -- In a shop .

   A. What does      B. Where’s          C. What ’s        D. Where does

3.Usually , he _________ the number 37 bus to work .

   A. catchs         B. catches           C. catch          D. is catching

4.As soon as I ___________ him , I _________him about it .

   A. shall see, shall tell  B. will see , tell    C. see , shall tell   D. see , tell

5._______ they ________ the floor twice a day ?

   A. Are , sweeping    B. Are , sweep      C. Do , sweep      D. Shall , sweep

6.The doctor operated _______ her father last Wednesday .

   A. on               B. in             C. with            D. for

7.Our teacher always asks us ________ new ideas .

   A. try out           B. to try out        C. to try on         D. trying out

8.Most of the girls are interested _______ English .

   A. at              B. on              C. by              D. in

9.Uncle Wang is ill . We must __________a doctor .

   A. send away       B. send for          C. send up          D. send

10.Don’t you think the TV is too _________ ?

   A. noise           B. noisily            C. noisy           D. noises

11.It’s dark here . Would you please _________ the light ?

   A. turn on          B. turn off           C. turn down       D. open

12.I didn’t feel well yesterday . My mother had to stay at home to _______ me .

   A. look for         B. look after          C. look at         D . look like

13.He has caught a cold . He must take this medicine __________ .

   A. three time a day  B. three times a day     C. a day three times  D. three times every day

14.Father will be back ________ an hour . You’d better come again later .

   A. for            B. after               C. in              D. before

15.Do you know _____________ ?

   A. what time is it   B. what’s the time       C. what time is     D. what time it is

16.Mother tried _________, but she found it difficult .

   A. didn’t worry    B. not worry           C. not to worry      D. to not worry



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