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[小学英语]第二册Unit 1 Hello(3)

发布时间:2010年05月05日 15:00 | 来源:


  一、 教学目标

  1. 能听懂,会说单词Su Hai, Wang Bing, Helen, Mike.

  2. 复习句型Hello, I’m... ...

  3. 完成书后练习

  二、 教学重点

  1. 能听懂,会说单词Su Hai, Wang Bing, Helen, Mike.

  2.复习句型Hello, I‘m... ...

  3. 完成书后练习

  三、 教学难点

  1. 能听懂,会说单词Su Hai, Wang Bing, Helen, Mike.

  2.复习句型Hello, I’m... ...

  3. 完成书后练习

  四、 教学准备

  录音机, 投影, 木偶

  五、 教学过程

  Step 1

  Free  talk & Revision

  Step 2

  Presentation and practice

  Step 3

  Practice & consolidation

  Step  4

  Do the exercise in the workbook.

  Step 5

  Assign homework

  T: Hello, I‘m Miss Li. What’s your name?

  1. Look and learn

  (1) 用小木偶介绍本单元的几位人物

  T: Hello, I‘m Weiwei. Do you remember me ? Let me introduce my friends to you. They are Su Hai , Wang Bing, Helen and Mike. Let’s read their names and say hello to them, OK?

  1. Sing the song

  T: Boys and girls, do you remember the song ?


  2. (投影逐个出示人物)

  T: Who‘s he/she?

  T: Good. Who can sing it with the name?

  1. Open your books , Page 1.

  2. Listen to the tape ,and draw the:) or the :( .

  3. Check together.

  Read Part B  5 times

  Review Part A

  Ss: I’m...

  Ss: OK.

  Hello, Helen

  Hello, Su Hai

  Hello, Wang Bing

  Hello, Mike.


  Ss: 依次说出人名。

  Ss sing the song with the person‘s name.

  Open the book to the right page.

  Listen to the teacher, watch the model.

  Do it

  Check them.







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