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[小学英语]Unit 2 Good morning

发布时间:2010年05月05日 14:55 | 来源:


  1、能听懂常用问候语Good morning /afternoon /evening . 能根据对话的场景正确使用Good morning /afternoon /evening 问候他人,并对他人的问候做出反应,语音语调正确。

  2、能听懂、会说morning ,afternoon , evening 这三个单词,发音正确。



  5、会唱歌曲Good morning to  you  。


  一、 教学目标

  1、能听懂常用问候语Good morning /afternoon /evening . 能根据对话的场景正确使用Good morning /afternoon /evening 问候他人,并对他人的问候做出反应,语音语调正确。

  2、能听懂、会说morning ,afternoon , evening 这三个单词,发音正确。

  二、 教学重点

  1、能听懂常用问候语Good morning /afternoon /evening . 能根据对话的场景正确使用Good morning /afternoon /evening 问候他人,并对他人的问候做出反应,语音语调正确。

  2、能听懂、会说morning ,afternoon , evening 这三个单词,发音正确。

  三、 教学难点

  根据太阳的位置不同,分清afternoon 和morning。

  四、 教学准备

  图片,投影, 录音机

  五、 教学过程

  Step  1

  Free talk

  Step  2


  Step  3

  Look and learn

  Step  4

  Learn “Good...”

  Step  5

  Assign homework

  T: Class begins

  T: Hello, boys and girls.

  T: I‘m ...

  T: Who’s he/ she?

  1. T:Hello, I‘m Mike.

  Hello, I’m Su Hai.

  Hello, I‘m Helen.

  Hello, I’m Wang Bing.

  2. T: Good morning, boys and girls.


  T: Look, there is a sun in the picture. One is in the mornong, the other is in the afternoon.

  2.  Teach “morning”

  Read it

  (并板书 morning)

  The same way to teach “afternoon”&“evening”

  3. 观看图片,寻找不同。

  T: Now let‘s watch the two pictures , one is in the morning , the other is in the afternoon.Can you find the difference.

  4. Read the words after the tape.

  T: Let’s read the words on the blackboard.



  T: Good.

  Who can read them.

  1. 读11页的三个单词。

  2. 用英语和爸爸妈妈打招呼。

  Ss: Stand up.

  Ss: Hello, Miss Li.

  S1: I‘m...

  Ss:She’s/ He‘s...

  Ss: Hello, Mike.

  Hello, Su Hai.

  Hello, Helen.

  Hello,Wang Bing.

  Ss: Good morning, Miss Li.

  Ss: Listen to the teacher.

  Ss:  read the word after the teacher.

  Read one by one

  Ss watch the pictures carefully ,try to find the difference,and discuss with the partner.

  Ss: follow the orders.

  Ss read the new words on the blackboard.

  Ss: read them one by one.

  Ss: try to read the words by themselves


  新授单词“morning”,“afternoon”, “evening”

  寻找不同,让学生自己探索记忆morning 和 afternoon的不同处,激发他们学习的积极性,更有助于记忆。


  板书     Unit 2  Good  morning


  Good        afternoon



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