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[初二英语]Module4 The natural elements Unit4 A visit to the Space Museum

发布时间:2010年05月05日 10:26 | 来源:

Module4  The natural elements   Unit4  A visit to the Space Museum




Mercury 水星            Venus 金星              Earth 地球

Mars 火星              Jupiter 木星             Saturn 土星

Uranus 天王星          Neptune 海王星            Pluto 冥王星

solar 太阳系           approximate 大约的,大概的

diameter直径           spine 旋冲              crew 工作人员

engine发动机,引擎        author作者          recommend建议


1. distance 距离

The distance between my house and the shop is 3 miles.

distant 遥远的

The stars are distant from the earth.

2. close   V. 关上,合上

Close the door.

adj  近的

Shenyang is close to Anshan.

3. take care of = look after

Please take care of my daughter when I am away.

You should take care of your sister.

4. choose (chose,chosen)

I chose to have a walk with you.

Have you chosen this book?

5. Britain – British

Italy  -  Italian

China  -  Chinese

Mexico  - Mexican

America – American

Russia – Russian

Japan – Japanese

India – Indian

Korea – Korean

6. the smallest

the biggest

the closest

the furthest

the hottest

the coldest

the longest


Chapter1              Reading


all in                 ambition                   be keen on

enclose                physics                    probably

rugby                  shut                      signature


1. get a letter from = hear from

I have got a letter from my uncle.

2. each

    Each of his children goes to a different school.

    Give an apple to each child.

    He enjoyed every minute of his holiday.

3. 数词 + feet/centimetres/ metres/ kilometres + long/wide/tall/deep

    five feet tall

    five metres wide

    five centimetres long

  4. be born in + 地点

    be born on + 时间

  5. speak, say, tell, talk

6. good, well

7. as, like

8. be keen on +名/代/动名词

    I am keen on sailing.

9. enjoy doing

10. hope,wish




1. __________( Where/ What) is he doing at the table?

2. Her best _______(subject/ lesson)at school is history.

3. We are happy to _____ (is/ be) your friends.

4. I hope you will tell me about __________( you, yourself).

5. Thank you for_________( invite/ inviting) us to visit your home.



1. 你最喜爱的动物是什么?   

2. 他毕业以后可能上大学。

3. 西蒙的志向是成为一名设计师。

4. 我希望不久你就能给我写信。

5. 你的笔友何时何地出生?



1. Their maths teacher, Mr Peng, is keen _______ pop music and________.

A. at,dance                  B. with, dance         C. in, dancing       D. on, dancing

2. Linda___________ October 27,2000___________ Shenyang.

A. was born in, on                                      B. was born on, on

C. was born on, in                                     D. was born in, in

3. Peter wants to _______ his pen-friend.

A. be                           B. is                       C. becomes          D. are

4.They hope_______ visit the Great Wall soon.

A. you to                     B. you are going      C. them to           D. you will

5.Tell the girl_______ Wendy to come here

A. calls                        B. to call                 C. called               D. calling



Until a few years ago, only boys could become students at the university of Ruritania (鲁里坦尼亚大学). Later the university decided to take girls in. But one of the teachers, Mr Goller, was not pleased at all. He had not wanted to let girl students in.

Mr Goller always began his lessons with the word “Gentlemen!” What could he do now? Well, when the girl students came to his lessons for the first time, he still began with the word. For him the girls were just not there. Then one day there was only one boy in his class among a lot of girls. For a moment, Mr Goller didn't know what to do. Then he began, “Sir! ”

Finally a terrible day came when there were no boys in his class He came into the room, looked at the girls and said, “Oh, nobody's here today!” he turned and went out without giving his lessons.

1. Several years ago, ______.(    )

  A. there was no girl studying in the university

  B. Mr Goller didn't teach in the university

  C. the university let girl students in

  D. most of the students in the university were boys

2. Mr Goller usually said “______”when he began his lessons. (    )

  A. Sir

  B. Good morning

  C. Gentlemen

  D. Hello

3. When the girls came to his lessons, Mr Goller was ______.(    )

  A. surprised

  B. afraid

  C. glad

  D. unhappy

4. The writer wants us to know how Mr Goller ______.(    )

  A. agreed to let the girls in

  B. didn't like his teaching

  C. always didn't know what to do with the girls

  D. only liked to teach boy students.

5. We can know from the passage that ______.(    )

  A. the boy students didn't enjoy Mr Goller's lessons

  B. we will not see the girl students in Mr Goller's class

  C. Mr Goller was loved by his students

  D. Mr Goller will not work in the university




一、1. What    2. subject    3. be    4. yourself    5. inviting

二、1. What’s your favourite animal?

2. He will probably go to college after he leaves school.

3. Simon’s ambition is to be an architect.

4. I hope you will write to me soon.

5. When and where was your pen-friend born?

三、1—5 DCADB




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