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[初二英语]Unit 12 What should I do ?

发布时间:2010年05月04日 16:17 | 来源:

Teaching goals :

1.     Words & phrases : keep out , loud , argue , What’s wrong ? football , either , except , themselves , include ,etc .

2.     情态动词could /should 的用法。

3.     Why don’t you … ?结构表建议的运用。

4.     如何谈论问题及提出建议。

5.     在处理问题中学会自省与人际交往。

Important and difficult points :

1.     should /could 情态动词的用法。

2.     如何提出建议。

Teaching aids : a tape recorder5 , cards .


Period  1


Teaching procedures :

Step 1  Leading in

1.     Greetings and free talk .

2.     Check the homework .

Step 2  Pre-task

T: I want to buy a new guitar but I don’t have enough money .What should I do ?

Ss think it over ,and try to give his/her advice .

Write their advice on the Bb .

1.     Borrow one .

2.     Buy a second-hand guitar .

3.     Get a part-time job .

4.     Don’t buy a guitar .

5.     Wait until next year .

Practice reading the advice by the Ss .

导入: In this unit we are going to talk about problems people have and learn how to give these people advice –to tell people what we think they should do .

Step 3  While-task

SB Page 10 , 1a .

1.     Read the instructions to the Ss .

2.     Read the problems by the Ss .

3.     Ask Ss to write the problems in the “Serious” or “Not serious” columns .

4.     Explain .

5.     Talk about the answers with the class .Practice reading .

SB Page 10 , 1b .

Make sure the Ss understand what should they do .Play the tape twice .Ss circle the problems they hear .Play the tape a third time .Check the answers .

Step 4  Post-task

SB Page 10 , 1c .

Look at the problems in activity 1a and make conversations .

Step 5  While-task

SB Page 11 , 2a .

1.     Read the instructions .Make sure the Ss understand what should they do .

2.     Point to the sentences below .

3.     Play the tape the first time .Ss only listen .Pay attention to Peter’s friend’s advice .

4.     Play the tape again .Ss circle “could” or “should” .

5.     Correct the answers .

SB Page 11 , 2b .

Read the instructions .Pay attention to Peter’s answers .Play the tape again .Check the answers .

Step 7  Post-task

Make conversations with peter and his friend with the help of 2a & 2b .

Step 8  Grammar Focus

Review the grammar box .Ss say the questions and the responses .Explain the differences between could/should .


1.     Go over the words .

2.     My clothes are out of style ,what should I do ? Please give the advice .






Period  2


Teaching procedures :

Step 1  Leading in

1.     Greeting and free talk .

2.     Check the homework .Collect the students’ advice .Write it down on the Bb .

Step 2  Pre-task

1.     Review the differences between “could /should” .

2.     Learn the new words in Page 12 .

Step 3  While-task

SB Page 12 , 3a .

1.     Read the instructions .

2.     Read the conversations by Ss or listen to the tape .Then write “good idea” “okay idea” or “bad idea” .

3.     Talk about the students’ answers .

4.     Make sure the students understand the dialogue.Practice reading

Step 4  Post-task

SB Page 12 , 3b .

1.     Read the instructions .Point out the example conversation and ask two students to read it to the class .

2.     Use your head .Find some other ways to get money that aren’t in the book .

3.     Ask Ss to work with partner as they ask for and give advice .

4.     Pairwork .

5.     Act out the conversations to the class .

Step 5  While-task

SB Page 12 , Part 4 .

1.     Read the instructions .Make sure the Ss understand what they should do .

2.     To students read the dialogue .

3.     Practice reading .

4.     Ask another pair to give their advice on another topic .

5.     Pairwork .

Homework :


1. keep out      2. out of style     3. What’s wrong ?

4. call sb up     5. pay for        6. ask for something

7. summer camp     8. stay at home






Period  3


Teaching procedures:

Step 1  Leading in

1.     Greetings and free talk .

2.     Check the homework .

Step 2  Pre-task

SB Page 13 , 1a .

1.     Read the instructions to the students .

2.     Read the sentences and ask a student to read the sentences to the class .

3.     Write NI , I , VI for each statement .

4.     “What is important to you when you choose clothes ?”Write one or more of their statements to the class .

Talk about the answers with the class .

Step 3  While-task

SB Page 13 , 2a .

1.     Read the instructions .Make sure the Ss understand what they should do .

2.     Read the three sentences in the box .You will be listening to a radio advice program .They will be talking about one of these problems .

3.     Play the tape twice .Ss check the problem they hear .

4.     Play the tape again ,Ss correct the answers .

SB Page 13 , 2b .

1.     Read the instructions .Make sure Ss understand what they should pay attention to .

2.     Look at the chart .There are three persons ,Kim , Nicole , Emilio .Who will give Erin some advice ?What are they ? Read each name for the class .

3.     Play the recording again .Ss write their answers .

4.     Play the recording again ,one sentence by one sentence .Check the answers .

Step 4  Post-task

SB Page 13 , 2c .

1.     Point out the example in the sample dialogue .Ss practice reading .

2.     Pairwork: What do you think Erin should do ?

3.     Share their conversations with whole class .

Homework :

You left your homework at home ,what should you do ? Please give your advice .






Period  4


Teaching procedures :

Step 1  Leading in

1.     Greetings & free talk .

2.     Check the homework :I left my homework at home ,what should I do ? Share some students’ advice .

Step 2  While-task

SB Page 14 , 3a .

1.     Scan this letter ,underline the problem .

2.     Read the letter again , tick out the new words .

3.     Explain something :

except=but 除…之外(不包括在内)

besides   除…之外(包括在内)

All the students went to the park except him .

Lucy and Lily will come to the party besides me .

find out = learned 了解到     find  找到

I just find out there is a dance tomorrow .

4. Listen to the recording .Ss practice reading .

SB Page 14 , 3b .

1.     Pairwork: Give some advice to the lonely kid in 3a .

2.     Suppose you’re Mary .Write the letters on your own .

3.     Read the letters to the class .

SB Page 14 , Part 4 .

1.     Read the problem in the box .

2.     Two students read the dialogue .

3.     Pairwork : Think them over and give your advice .

4.     Groupwork: See which classmate has the best advice .

Step 3  Post-task

SB Page 15 , Selfcheck .

1.     Fill in the blanks with the words given .Try to make your own sentences with the words .

2.     Read the letter to Aunt Chen’s advice column and then write some advice .

Homework :

What’s your problem ? Please write your own letter to an advice column .







Period  5


Teaching procedures :

Step 1  Leading in

1.     Greetings and free-talk .

2.     Check the homework :Read the letter out in the class ,the other Ss give their advice .

Step 2  Pre-task

1.     What after-school activities can you think of .Write what you do and what you don’t do .

2.     SB Page 16 , 1b .Read the words and guess the meaning .if there are some new words in the box , look up in the dictionary .

Step 3  While-task

SB Page 16 .

1.     Read the passage quickly and get the main idea .

2.     Listen to the recording .Circle the words in the box in 1b .

3.     Explain something :

busy enough

It’s time for sth .

the + 姓s  : 夫妇/一家

SB Page 17 , 3a .

1.     Read these statements .

2.     Pairwork: Number each pair 1-5 around the class .Ask each pair to discuss only the question with their number .

3.     After a while .All pairs with the same number from a group and compare ideas .

4.     After five minutes .Each group report their ideas to the class .

Homework :

1.     Write four sentences using one of the words from 1b in each sentence .

2.     Are you or your friends under pressure ? Do a survey to find out .





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