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[初一英语] Unit 17 I’d like a large pizza

发布时间:2010年04月29日 16:40 | 来源:

The plan of the unit:

Topic : food

Functions : Order food

Structures : What questions , modal verb would

Target language :

1. What size pizza would you like ?

   I’d like a large /medium / small pizza.

2 .What would you like on it ?

   I’d like cheese , green peppers and mushrooms , please.

3. What’s your address?

    My address is ……

Vocabulary : large , medium , small , pizza , pepperoni, green peppers , mushrooms , onions , Cheese , olives , hot dogs , soda , lemonade, iced tea , juice , would like , salad.

Learning Strategies : Role playing, listening for key words

跨学科学习: 学会与人交际

课时划分:   根据需要共用七课时完成本单元的教学任务。

Period One : Section A : 1a 1b 1c

Period Two : Section A : 2a 2b 2c Grammar Focus

Period Three : Section A : 3a 3b 4

Period Four : Section B 1a 1b 2a 2b 2c

Period Five : Section B 3a 3b 3c 4 Pairwork

Period Six : Self check 1, 2, 3 Just for fun

Period Seven: Test


Period 1

教学内容: 部分新单词  Section A 1a 1b 1c

教学目标: Learn all the new words by heart and copy the sentences  according to the tape.

教学重点 : 单词的读写。

教学难点 : 认读、识记单词

教学方法 : 多听多练

Teaching steps :

利用实物或图片,认读单词。(large , pizza ,cheese, mushroom ,green pepper, pepperoni, onion, olive)

看课本图片,找出单词所对应物品的字母,继续学习单词。( Match the words with the foods )

(Look at the picture on Page 13 and finish 1a )

Here are the answers to 1a.

1. cheese   c    2. mushrooms   f     3. green peppers     d

4. pepperoni a    5. onions       e     6. olives   b   7. tomatoes   g

 3、听录音(Check the pizza that the person orders )


Step 4 : 1c Pairwork

      (Practice the conversation below, Order the toppings you like.)

Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.

Say the conversation with a student

Ask students to work in pairs.

(Have students take turns being the pizza maker and the person ordering the pizza Remind students to list the size and the toppings they really like .Students practice both roles.)

Ask some students to present their dialogues to the class.

Step 5. Look back.

    Let the students sum up what we learned this class .

Step 6  Homework  1) Ask the students to remember the new words.

                  2) Practice the dialogue in pairs.




Period 2

教学范围: Section A  2a 2b 2c   Grammar Focus .

教学内容: New words: express, special, drink, medium ,size ,juice, iced tea , lemonade ,hot dogs, I’d , he’d , they’d .

          Sentences : What kind of pizza would you like ?

                    I’d like a pepperoni pizza, please.

                    What size pizza would he like?

                    He’d like a small / medium / large pizza.

                    What would they like on their pizza?

                 They’d like mushrooms, tomatoes, and cheese.

 教学目标:1. Remember all the key words.

           2. Grasp the structure.

             What kind of pizza would you like ?

             I’d like ……

             What size pizza would he like ?

             He’d like ……

             What kind would they like ?

             They’d like……

  教学重难点:1、What 引导的特殊疑问句

          2、情态动词would 的用法

        3. 区分可数和不可数名词


Step 1: Greetings

Step 2: 复习单词:cheese , mushrooms , green peppers, pepperoni, onions, olives, tomatoes

       Ask some students to read them and say their Chinese meanings. (注意提醒学生注意区分可数名词和不可数名词)。

 Step3: 利用图片或实物学习单词。

     express , special, drink , medium , size , he’d , they’d , juice , iced tea , lemonade , hot dogs.

 Step4: 听录音,练习听力,巩固单词。

      2a . Listen and check (√) the names of the foods you hear below.

     1.√  cheese            2. √   mushrooms

     3.  √ green peppers     4.____ pepperoni

     5. √ onions             6_____ olives

     7. √ tomatoes

2b. Listen again and fill in the blanks below. Ask students to listen and write the missing word in each blank . And then check the answers by having students write the sentences on the board.

  Keys : 1. I’d like a  large  pizza

         2. I’d like mushrooms, green peppers,  onions , and

cheese , please

         3. I’d like a   medium  .

         4. I’d like onions   and  tomatoes , please.


Step 5. Pairwork.

Ask student to talk with you like this .

“ What kind of pizza would you like?

 I’d like a pepperoni pizza, please.

What size pizza would you like?

 I’d like a small / medium/ large pizza.

 What would you like on your pizza?

 I’d like mushrooms , tomatoes and cheese.

According to the model , ask the students to practice in pairs .

Ask some students to present their dialogues to the class.

(Ask a boy ) What size pizza would you like ?

I’d like a small / medium / large pizza .

      ( Ask another student ) What size pizza would he like ?

                         He’d like a small / medium / large pizza .

      Ask a girl the same question , and then ask another student :

                         What size pizza would she like ?

                         She’d like a small / medium / large pizza.

     (Ask some student.) What would you like on your pizza ?

     ( Ask another student ) What would they like on their pizza ?

                    They’d like mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese .

     Ask the students to practice in groups.


Step 6: Let’s sum what we have learned this class .

Step 7 Homework 鼓励学生回家问日夜操劳的父母想吃什么?记述他们想预定的比萨饼,将它写在练习本上,下节课交流。





Period 3

教学内容:Section A 3a 3b 4

教学目标:1、熟悉句型:What size pizza would you like?

                      What would you like on it?


语言目标:1、What size pizza would you like?

          2、What would you like on it?

          3、What’s your phone number?

          4、What’s your address?


Teaching steps:

Step 1:Greetings.

Step 2:Practice dialogues like this:

     Do you like pizza? Yes, I do.

     What kind of pizza would you like?

     I’d like a pepperoni pizza.

     What would you like on it?

     I’d like mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese.

     Practice in groups.然后再转到第三人称

     Ask another student: What kind of pizza your father/mother would like?  He’d/she’d like...

Step 3: Match the questions and answers below and then practice the conversation.

Ask one student to read all the questions to the class. Ask another student to read all the answers.

Ask students to complete the exercise on their own..

Check the answers.

1. c 2.d 3.b 4.e 5.a


Step 4:通过活动,复习、巩固对话。

活动一 ,One student is the pizza maker and asks the questions. The other is the customer and gives the response in the book.


        Make your own conversations according to 3a.

Step5: Work in small groups. Ask and answer questions.

eg. What kind of pizza would you like?

 I’d like a mushroom , tomato, and cheese pizza.


Step6 : Look back

     Let’s sum what we’ve learned this class. Then ask what they haven’t understood.

Step7: Homework





Period 4

教学内容:Section B 1a.1b.2a.2b.2c

教学重点:1、The words about food and drinks.

          2、句型:I want one medium pizza.

                   I like pizza, salad, juice, and iced tea.

       I don’t like hamburgers, soda or lemonade .      


Teaching steps:



(1a match the words with the pictures.)

keys: 1.g orange juice    2. c  salad   3. e  pizza   4. h iced tea     5. a  hamburger  6. b soda   7. f  lemonade    8. d  hotdog

Read the words and ask students to repeat them.


(1b circle the things you like in the picture above, make an ‘x’ next to the things you don’t like Then tell your partner what you like and what you don’t like.)

eg: I like pizza, salad, juice, and iced tea .

  I don’t like hamburgers, soda or lemonade.

  What about you?

4、听力训练:2a Listen and circle the words you hear in activity 1a.

2b, Listen again and fill in the order form on page 82.


5.2c Pairwork. 复习句型,练习对话

eg:I want one medium pizza.

         What would you like on it?

         What’s your address?

         What’s your telephone number?

6. Look back.  Let’s sum what we’ve learned this class.

7.Homework. 试着自己定一份外卖。





Period  5

教学范围:Section B  3a.3b.3c.4



教学重点:Write the newspaper ad.

教学难点:How to write the ad.

Teaching steps:

1.  Greetings.

2. 3a read the newspaper ad .Use some of these words to fill in the blanks.

large  lemonade  pizza  salad  have  cheese

Specials on pizza at Pizza Express!

At pizza express! We have (1) some great specials .The Californian. pizza has olives and green peppers, and is just 2.75 .The cheapie , for $1.99, has    (2)and tomatoes.     (3)drinks are only 89¢. The pizza and     (4) lunch special is $ 3.50 .Order a    (5)today!

3、3b Fill in the blanks below.

4、3c Write your own ad. for pizza ,drinks, and other foods you know.

Pairwork, Read your partner’s ad. Then order food and drink from your partner.

eg: I’d  like a medium pizza, please.

   What would you like on it?

   I’d like mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese.

6. Look back.  Let’s sum what we’ve learned this class.

7. Homework. 为理想中的比萨饼店写一份宣传广告.


新目标英语Go for it 的教材选材非常贴近学生的生活实际。每学完一个单元学生就能用英语进行简单的交流。充分体现了学以致用的教学原则。学生已经从死背语法知识,机械模仿句型为主的学习方式过渡到“做中学”的活学活用阶段。学生的学习积极性大大提高,课堂气氛也更加活跃。课堂上把时间还给学生,让每个学生都动起来。学生通过讨论交流和合作方式展示他们丰富的想象力和创造力。教师应为学生创设宽松,和谐,民主的学习气氛,设计多种合作方式或活动内容,多思考导入的途径和技巧。怎样让每个孩子都说话,每个任务都有话说。




Period 6

教学范围:Self-check 1.2.3 just for fun


2. 复习句型

Teaching steps:



Do 1.key word check, ask the students to read them and say their Chinese meanings.

Write five new words in your Vocab-Builder.

Make a menu for the week and give reasons for your menu.


eg: What would you like for breakfast on Monday?

  I’d like bread, eggs and milk.

Just for fun.

I’d like a large pizza with mush rooms.

I’d like a small lemonade.

I’d like a vacation.

Ask students to read the cartoon to themselves, and then assign roles and ask three students to read the words. And ask, why is the pizza maker so tired? What does he want?

Do the exercises


    1、I want drink some milk for breakfast.

     2、Would you like come with me?

     3、What would you like with the pizza?

     4、They’d like to a medium pizza.

     5、Tomatos are my favorite food .


  1.Please give me some water to d       .

  2. I’d like a m      pizza with green peppers.

  3. “ What would you like on the pizza ?” “M     , please.”

  4.What s      pizza would you like to eat?

  5.My a      is 223 Green Street .




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