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[小学英语]新加坡小学一年级英语PRACTICE 7

发布时间:2010年04月29日 15:43 | 来源:

   (A) Underline the correct word in each of the brackets.
    (16 * 1 = 16 marks)
21. I (was, were) naughty when I was younger.
22. We (was, were) talking about you yesterday.
23. She (was, were) not in school last week.
24. The children (was, were) at the canteen at one o'clock.
25. His cats (was, were) sleeping under the table last night.
26. He (was, were) fat when he was a baby.
27. They (was, were) very quiet when their teacher scolded them.
28. You (was, were) shorter than me last year.
29. My wallet (was, were) in the cupboard yesterday.
30. The night (was, were) beautiful and we sat by the beach singing.
31. Her dog (was, were) sick last week.
32. Diana and I (was, were) classmates last year.
33. My parents (was, were) happy when I showed them my results.
34. We were thirsty and the water (was, were) not enough for us.
35. The music (was, were) good and we enjoyed it very much.
36. Susie and Janet (was, were) in the library a while ago.
(B) Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence
    with a full-stop or with a question mark. (7*2=14 marks)
37. to    teacher    stop    the    asked    her students    talking
38. bowls    he     rice    ate   was    two    so hungry   he   of   that
39. run    Thomas    than    can    faster    Jimmy
40. kind    we    and    others    should    helpful    to    always be
41. very    nobody    because    likes to    rude    is    sit beside   him   he
42. takes    care    he    pets    good    of    his
43. likes to     when    free    chess    he is    father    play
(C)Comprehension (5*2=10)
    Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
    Yesterday was Children's Day. Meiqing was very excited. She knew that her teacher, Miss Lee, would give them presents. She did not bring any books to school. There was no lesson. Her mother baked a mango cake for her class. Every child had to bring some food for the Children's Day party. After the feast, Miss Lee played a few games with the children. Before the party ended, each child was given a present. Meiqing got a drawing book. She was happy because she liked to draw.
49. Why was Meiqing excited on Children's Day?
50. Why did Meiqing bring a mango cake to school?
51. Who baked the mango cake?
52. What did the children do after eating the food?
53. Why was Meiqing happy to get a drawing book as a present?


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