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[小学英语]新加坡小学一年级英语PRACTICE 5

发布时间:2010年04月29日 15:35 | 来源:

(A) Underline the correct word in each of the brankets. (5*2= 10 marks)
11. Ali is very (sad, happy, angry) as he scored full marks in his test.
12. A (rabbit, spider, kitten) has long ears.
13. The (pillow, rainbow, rain) in the sky looks so beautiful.
14. Johnson went to the (barber, chef, hawker) to cut his hair.
15. I wear clean (slippers, shoes, heels) to school every day.

(B) Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence
    with a full-stop or with a question mark. (7*2=14 marks)
32. was    enormous    Jane    elephant    when    saw   frightened   she   an
33. fat    eats    is    a    because    he    lot    so     he
34. pencils    those    pens    are    or
35. clean    please    classroom    keep    the
36. flowers    the garden    red    are    in    pink    the    or
37. his mother    shopping cart    the    push    helping    he is    to
38. just been    feeling    she is    because    scolded    very sad    she has
(C) Comprehension (5*2 = 10 marks)
    Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
    Inline-skating is fun. But not everyone likes it. There are people who are afraid to fall. There are people who like other sports better. You need to be able to balance yourself when you skate. When you are able to do so, you can go faster and farther. There are few places in Singapore where inline skates can be rented. One of these places is the East Coast Park. It feels good to skate and enjoy the sea breeze at the same time. It is better for those who are learning to skate to visit the East Coast Park on weekdays. There are fewer cyclists and skaters on the track on weekdays.
44. Give one reason why some people do not want to skate?
45. When can one skate faster and farther?
46. Name one place that rents out skates.
47. What can one enjoy in the East Coast Park while skating?
48. When is a good time for people who are beginners in skating to visit
    the East Coast Park?



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