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[小学英语]新加坡小学一年级英语PRACTICE 4

发布时间:2010年04月29日 15:15 | 来源:

(A) Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (4*2 = 8 marks)

cheeks chicks dinosaur

giraffe piglets vegetables

Mother bought some ____________ from the market.
There are many ____________ in the farm.
The ____________ has a very long neck.
My sister has rosy _____________.
(B) Choose the most suitable answer. Write its number in the brackets
     provided.(5*2 = 10 marks)
( ) 11. Doris is ___________ but her sister is thin.
        A. fat         B. short         C. tall         D. round
( ) 12. Mother bought Sean a __________ for his birthday.
        A. peanut      B. cake          C. biscuit      D. bread
( ) 13. Father is washing his new __________.
        A. pen         B. book          C. car          D. television
( ) 14. We should not play with __________ as it is dangerous.
        A. balloons    B. fire          C. balls        D. toys
( ) 15. Look at the beautiful fish in the __________.
        A. zoo         B. garden        C. museum       D. aquarium

(C) Underline the correct word in each of the brackets.
    (18 * 1 = 18 marks)
16. I like to eat grapes.
    My sister is buying (me, her) a bunch of grapes.
17. My brother and I love to draw.
    My mother likes (our, their) drawing.
18. John gives me the bookmarks.
    They are (my, their) bookmarks.
19. Lisa wears a new watch.
    She likes (her, it) watch very much.
20. You have a nice toy.
    I wish I can have (your, it) toy.
21. Mr Sim gives Meiling and Doreen a doll.
    This is (their, our) doll.
22. He has two younger sisters.
    He takes care of (his, her) sisters.
23. My uncle has a red car.
    This is (his, her) car.
24. We have not eaten.
    We are going to have (our, their) dinner now.
25. John is hardworking.
    He studies hard for (his, her) examinations.
26. They do not want the toy car.
    They are throwing away (their, his) toy car.
27. The cat sleeps in that basket.
    That is (its, his) basket.
28. This bear does not belong to you.
    It is not (your, its) bear.
29. I have a sister.
    Jenny is (my, our) sister.
30. We have a big room.
    This is (our, their) room.
31. Mary and Meihua like to collect stamps.
    This is (their, our) collection.
32. Joe and I are going to the movies.
    These are (their, our) tickets.
33. Lionel likes to play ball games.
    This is (his, her) ball.
(D) Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence
    with a full-stop or with a question mark. (6*2=10 marks)
34. book   pen    is a     and     is a     this    that
35. always    eats    she    before     prays      she
36. happy    examinations     because    Jason    passes    is    his    he
37. like    David    do    together     brother    to    his    and   things
38. rainbow    this    saw    the window     I    looked out    morning   
    of    a    when     I
39. plays    she is    Hazel     whenever    the piano    free

(E) Comprehension  (5*2=10 marks)
    Read the passge carefully and answer the questions that follow.
    Linda loves music. It keeps her company when she is alone. It makes her happy when she is sad. He brothers like to listen to music too. They always spend their Saturdays listening to the radio programmes together. Sometimes, their mother will scold them for not spending more time in their studies. Linda likes English songs more than she likes Chinese songs. Her brothers like Chinese songs better. They have a Karaoke set in the living room. They are only allowed to use it during special occasions because their mother does not want them to spend all their time singing.
45. Why does Linda listen to music when she is sad?
46. What does Linda do when she is alone?
47. Who does Linda listen to music with on Saturdays?
48. Does Linda like Chinese songs?
49. Why are Linda and her brothers only allowed to use the Karaoke set on special occasions?


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